I am using My Cloud OS3, my device is not supported for OS 5.
My mac is a 2014 macbook pro running BigSur. AirPort Time Capsule 802.11ac - Technical Specifications Size and Weight Dimensions: 3.85 inches (98 mm) by 3.85 inches (98 mm) by 6.6 inches (168 mm) Weight: 3.26 pounds (1.48 kg) 1 Storage 2 2TB hard drive 3TB hard drive Wireless IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Six-element beamforming antenna array Simultaneous dual-band 2. (Obviously it is too small, but it should still show up in the “Select Disk…” prompts. If #1 is yes, what do I need to do to make it possible to select the mycloud USB port attached external drive as the save location for the Time Machine back up? At this time, I do not see that 64GB usb as an available back up disk in Time Machine.Would the problem be that I need to buy an older external drive? The external drive, attached to Time Capsule via USB. Open Sesame Gently lift the metal base plate out of the Time Capsule’s plastic shell, but be careful: the device’s fan is attached to the inside of the base plate. Connect the drive to a USB port on your AirPort base station, then turn it on. Connect the drive directly to your Mac, then use Disk Utility to erase it. Is this a formatting issue? What is the recommended format for the WDBCTL0020HWT-00 to be able to access my external drive? Time Machine can back up to an external USB drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule. Using the internal drive inside Time Capsule, it took between 5:45 and 6:30 to copy via 802.11n using 5 GHz with wide channels. Time Machine can back up to an external USB drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule. I then attached an older 64 GB thumb drive and it showed 13GB of 64GB. I’ve been using it as a back up location for the last few weeks). If #1 is yes: I attached a 12TB WD Element external drive to it and it showed the data on it was 0 GB of 0 GB (which I know is incorrect.

Is it possible to do ongoing Time Machine Backups to an external drive that is attached to the USB port on a 2013 2TB mycloud (WDBCTL0020HWT-00)?